25+ Ways to Make Money Online with 0 Investment in South Africa
On the Internet we can have fun watching videos on TikTok and scrolling other social networks, or we can engage in self-education, take virtual tours of cities or sight, and communicate with people from different countries. Just imagine that leisure is not the only thing we can do there, we can even earn! Now we are talking not only about one-time earnings and amounts that are barely enough for a coffee and a croissant, but about real well-paid work.
If you are reading this information, it means that you are searching for ways how to make money online. With a smartphone or computer, basic skills and stable Internet connection, everyone can make money. However, people who are interested in how to make money online without paying anything need to be careful and remember that this area has a lot of scammers who are ready to deceive you.
There are a number of benefits of making money online. The number of people who want to make money online is growing every day in the world. They refuse to constantly stay in stuffy offices or dusty workshops in order to receive money. The main advantages of making money online are:
- Flexible schedule and the ability to independently plan your day.
- More time for yourself and family, more flexible work-life balance.
- Ability to work from anywhere in the world.
These are the reason why specialists, who at least once thought about how and how much they can earn on the Internet, in most cases go remote.
Here we will show you 25+ ways how to make money online in South Africa:
1. Solving captchas
Start earning on captcha, even if you have no experience. You only need attention and perseverance for this work.
So, how to make money online for beginners on captcha?
The rules are very simple – click “Get captcha” and spell all the words shown in the pictures, usually two of them, but there may be more. You also need to type all punctuation marks and symbols – percentages, dollars, asterisks, etc. All individual words must be separated by gaps, including words from different pictures.
Every hour, the system counts the number of correctly solved captchas and credits the reward to the account, from where the earnings can be withdrawn to a wallet or bank card.
Who is this job for?
Solving captchas will be a suitable job if you are looking for a job as a typesetter – here you need to quickly type words without errors. But the advantage of earning on captcha is that you do not need to know the grammar rules – it is enough to type letters and symbols as you see them.
How much can you earn?
Your earnings by entering captcha (anti-captcha) are limited only by time – on average, a novice typesetter solves up to 300 captchas per hour, a more experienced one – up to 500 and more. For a working day, you can earn up to 2-3 dollars, and for a month – up to 100 dollars.
The higher is percentage of correct guesses, the higher is payment for 1000 captchas, keep your efficiency above 90% to get the maximum income.
Here are some recourses:
- 2Captcha.
- Captcha 2 Cash.
- Fast Typers.
- Mega Typers.
2. Renting out profiles on social networks
Renting out profiles on social networks is also one of ways how to make money online for free.
Very often this happens with the Facebook platform. Why does someone need your Facebook? The answer is simple, it is needed for launching advertising on social networks. In this social network, there are many restrictions on advertising functions. Therefore, very often there are people who are looking for suitable accounts, since their account is in the block.
In this case the profile’s advertising account is used, and you as the owner continue a normal life inside Facebook: make posts, comment on someone’s photos and add new friends. Usually, those who do not need advertising features on the social network agree to make money on rent.
There are many risks when renting a Facebook account. For example, very often advertising cabinets can be blocked. Below, you can choose one of proven sites to rent out your account.
- Rent Us Your FB.
- FB Cash.
3. Likes, comments, subscription
There are also some other methods how to make money online in South Africa for free. For example, it can be likes, comments and subscriptions. Earnings of this type are available to anyone, without restrictions on age, level of education or social status. You can work from anywhere.
These are the undeniable advantages of this option of making money. To work, you will need a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with access to the Internet. There is one piece of good news if you want to know how to make fast money online, in this case: earnings on likes do not require investments. At all. If you don’t count your own time as an investment. Performers on intermediary services are a living workforce.
No one takes money from them for subscriptions or likes, except of scammers. Keep this in mind. Building a financial empire by selling your likes and comments and making reposts by order is unlikely to succeed, but everyone can make a little money a month.
There is also bad news: social media limits. Each network has a limit on the daily number of likes. On TikTok and Instagram it’s 500 likes a day. No more. And how to reach 1000-2000 to earn more? You have to create fake accounts. Use each one in turn.
An e-wallet is useful for withdrawing earned funds. Different services allow you to withdraw money to different payment systems.
- Followlike.
- FanSlave.
- Speedupsmm.
4. Test websites and apps
Testing websites is more than a real way for earning money online. Users don’t need to have a specific education or skills for starting it. If you have enough time, you can learn how to make money online for free by testing sites.
Let’s find out why people pay for testing. All sites need to be tested, so owners are searching people who are ready to expect their websites and all its features and bugs. Also, the holders of sites are willing to know how interesting the resource is for users. It is very important to find out if potential clients like design and platforms which they are using. Testing improves the work of the service, increases its profitability.
After signing up assessor needs to install software on his computer and browser to complete tasks. If the job is done in time and the client is satisfied, the amount of work will increase, as well as your earnings.
A client usually gives some specific task which you need to do on the site. Most of the tasks are connected with the site options, its functions and design. While the assessors are completing tasks they also have to answer some questions. It helps to deeply understand the positive and negative sides of the tested platform. Some clients may even ask for a video, to see how some options are working from the user side.
As an assessor – a person who is testing websites for money – you need to sign up on any freelance website or a special platform:
- Usertestin.
- Checkealos.
- Ferpection.
5. Share Your Opinions on Products
Do you like to share your opinion and pass surveys? If yes, then earning money by filling out survey forms or sharing personal opinions can be a key to making money online in South Africa for free.
There is no matter where you are located. Take your laptop or even a smartphone, write a short review for your favorite brand or something you ever used and get a reward. You may have a simple question: “Why do companies pay for this?”. The answer is simple too: brands are interested in customers’ opinion, this is one of the ways to develop its product. That’s why they are ready to pay rewards for helping them to improve their products and services with the help of common people.
One of the platforms where you can get paid for your opinion is “Mysoapbox” which is oriented to gather customers which provide high quality reviews and surveys for clients’ products.
“LifePoint” is another platform which can pay for your opinion. After signing up, you get the list of the products which need to be reviewed. Then check the detailed information about it and start writing a review, describing the all benefits of it. When the job is done, your review can be posted on the site of the product for clients to see the assessment of a real person.
On the site, users may choose categories and types of reviews to be done. Rising your account reputation is very important because it influences the pay rate for each task.
Pay rate starts from $5 for each task, but users with high reputation can receive up to $50 for every task.
- Intellizoom.
- Testingtime.
- UserCrowd.
- Google Opinion rewards.
6. Use Your Phone’s Lock screen for Ads
Millions of people watch ads for free while browse social media, but not many of them know that there are several platforms ready to pay you just for watching the video or reading ads. This is one of the easiest ways to make fast money online without any special skills, all you need is a smartphone with Internet connection.
First way is to download the app, such as: Swagbucks, Cash Pirate or many others which are listed on the Internet. Some of them collect installations of apps, and some – views of video ads. Generally they receive money for every action which is made by their users and share the profit. Easy actions are not highly paid, but remember – as much you give, twice will return. So, users who complete a big number of primitive tasks can earn good money. Don’t forget that you can install such apps as much as you want, it will help you to get an unlimited amount of work.
Speaking about pay rate, everything depends on the kind of tasks you do. For example, watching a minute video can bring you up to $0.15 and up to $10 for installing and playing a simple mobile game for 10 minutes.
- Make Money & Earn Cash Rewards.
- S’more app.
- Ad It Up.
7. Online advertising on your blog
Do you have a site or a blog? It’s never too late to create something new and express yourself online. So if you are an open-minded person who wants to share ideas, there is an opportunity to earn money by selling ads in your blog. No matter if you are writing articles or shooting videos for YouTube, there is a possibility to find a brand or company which can be interested in your audience. Such cooperation helps to get new clients, increase sales and brings passive income from your hobby.
First step to receive clients for advertising in the blog is to post your email with cooperation interest and wait for letters with proposals. Never forget that the reputation of an audience can be built for years and advertising of some negative products can cause unrepairable damage.
Who could imagine that a teenager who is playing games and recording it for YouTube can receive thousands of dollars for posting the ad on his channel? But now, this way of making money online as a teenager is more than real.
8. Create a video blog
More and more platforms where you can post your video blogs or travel videos appear on the internet, but one of the most important is YouTube. Many users don’t know that this platform pays money for every view. For every million views on the channel, the owner receives $1000 and the money is sent on credit card at the end of every quarter. If you are a person who lives life holding a camera, it can be a key of how to make money easy online.
Everything starts from creating your channel, then the first video should be posted. Don’t forget to pay attention to all the information that you provide on your channel and in video description. This will help users to find and watch your content. Collecting subscribers may take a lot of time but starting from 10 000 subscribers you can sell advertising time in your videos, it may help to receive addition to YouTube payments. Just don’t forget to leave the email for commercial propositions in the description of your channel.
9. Affiliate programs for your blog
One more way of having passive income from your blog which doesn’t need much time for. In any type of blog there is a possibility for promotion of an affiliate marketing campaign. For example, you can place a link on your website which leads your audience to a merchant’s website where all products are listed. By this way you increase sales and receive money as the reward in turn.
Amazon associates is one of the top-rated affiliate programs all over the world which is giving you access to millions of products that will suit any taste. The main benefit of it is the fact that they have a worldwide delivery, which lets you search clients in any point of the planet.
To begin working with affiliate programs you need to ask for a special link which will be placed only on your platform. Clients go through your unique link, that is how merchants will understand from here each customer comes. Links and goods for promotion are provided by platforms, such as “Fiverr” which is widely used in South Africa. Don’t forget about cooperation with local merchants which you can promote as well. A lot of local online shops are interested in affiliate programs of advertising because they want to pay only for clients that do buy something. This is an easy way how to make money online legit on your blog.
- Skillshare
- Contena
- Tripadvisor
10. Create podcasts that pay
During the last ten years the podcast industry has been significantly developed and we have countless examples of people who earn pretty good money for creating podcasts. Creating a podcast isn’t the answer for question how to make quick money online. It takes a lot of time to get your audience and make them interested in what you say. This is a hard way and many people give up, even have not earned a penny from it. But if you are an interesting person who creates great content there is a possibility to earn money from your podcast in several ways.
Again we can speak about affiliate programs and advertising some goods which can bring a podcaster pretty good earnings. At the same time, there is a possibility to have a sponsorship system. Your fans are willing to support his favorite podcaster and buy a private subscription or just make a donation. All these types of passive income can be used in combination, just be careful with what you advertise.
11. Make money whilst walking
Are you an active person who has a rush to move all the time? Maybe earning while walking is your way how to make money online in South Africa without money. There are a lot of apps that allows you to receive points as a reward for completing tasks like walking or running some distance. When the needed number of points is collected, you can get real money. If you are not a fan of running or walking, then you can try “Evidation” app. This one let you earn money for swimming, biking and even doing the workout. Every month active users can earn up to $30 just from one app. What can be better motivation to do a workout in the morning than receiving money for it?
“HealthyWage” is an application which was designed for people who are willing to lose weight and at the same time get some reward. This app allows you to do a task, take part in challenges and even bet on yourself. Prizes up to $10 000 motivate people to challenge themselves and begin the transformation of their body. All you need is to download this app, sign in and check the task you have.
More and more apps are listed every year, so you can complete as many tasks as you want.
- Charitymiles.
- Healthywage.
- Pkrewards.
12. Print on demand
It is a way of cooperation between you and a manufacturer. This is a kind of affiliate program which let a person sell clothes with his own print without any investments. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.
You can place an ad of a t-shirt with your logo on any marketplace or other platform you want. When a client is willing to buy, you give an order to the manufacturer which produces an ordered t-shirt. There is no need to make any investments as the products are not purchased beforehand. If you wonder how to make money online for beginners in South Africa. Try print on demand. With this method you have possibility to practice your marketing, entrepreneur and design skills. This type of income is more suitable for popular people who know how to attract an audience.
- Gelato.
- Printify.
- Pprintful.
13. Sell your old stuff
We all have things we don’t need anymore, but not many people even think about having income from old stuff. But it is an excellent way to get some extra earnings by selling your old goods online. There are simple steps that can help you get most from selling outdated things.
Firstly, good photos of a product are needed, then you need to write an attractive description. Try to interest a potential buyer with photos of good quality and benefits of buying your product. When all the preparation is done, choose any marketplace, create an account, do not forget to mention your phone number or email, so the potential clients can reach out to you. Be sure, it will not take much time to sell some old service or furniture you don’t need anymore.
eBay is one of the best websites which will help you to implement that idea. It will take a couple of minutes to sign up there and place your stuff. Millions of people are trying to buy and sell things there, so you can check for some similar goods to find out what the price can be and what is the best way for description.
14. Share Your Notes With Students
Are you still trying to find the way how to make extra money online? If you can easily cope with abstracts, reports, control and tasks, you can make good money on it. Earnings on diploma, thesis, reports and essays is a stable profitable job.
Such earnings are possible for any person who knows how to search the Internet and the library for the necessary information, find information and use it in their work. This type of income can be used by students who not only know how to earn money by writing papers, but also attract their classmates who are not striving for both knowledge as customers.
Many university professors and teachers use websites to help schoolchildren, students, and graduate students. Even a schoolchild has access to such earnings, as there are orders for simple tasks based on a school curriculum. Specialists in technical specialties, especially those with a narrow specific, are in demand on exchanges with an offer of orders with higher pay.
Just sign up for popular student work services and get paid. If you are a student and understand some subject well: you can earn money on it, and if there are difficulties in performing work on another subject, order them there. And learning will be more enjoyable.
If you remember your student time with nostalgia – it’s time to make money on it.
- OneClass.
- Stuvia.
- Docmerit.
15. Sell photos
There is a way how to sell photos online and make money. Even your pleasant hobby can be turned into a source of income. The footage can be personally offered to print or online publications, posted on freelance exchanges as unique content, or, at worst, to shoot weddings and other events.
Another thing is that such earnings are not very stable and take a lot of time to become skilled. In particular, most journalistic publications have full-time photographers and the proposed photos should be interesting or even sensational. On the stock exchanges, such content is not very popular, and there is too much competition among wedding photographers.
Therefore, the easiest way is to sell photos through photo stocks designed specifically for this purpose. The main advantage is that you can shoot what you like, and not what you need, and this makes it possible to show talent and work for pleasure.
Photostock – specially designed Internet portals that store an archive of images. The archive is formed from the author’s photographs of photographers from all over the world. This is done so that anyone, whether it is a magazine, publisher or trademark, can quickly and easily buy an image for their needs.
Every day, more than a million images are uploaded to large photo stocks and the same number is downloaded from them. Most of the photos posted on billboards, covers of magazines, books and even in advertising of famous brands are taken from photo stocks. The authors have no way to track who exactly buy their photos, but from time to time they stumble upon their photos around the world on posters, booklets and even in Hollywood films.
- Adobe Stock.
- Shutterstock.
- Alamy.
16. Copywriting, rewriting
Copywriting is one of the areas of freelancing that brings together many people around the world. This Internet profession brings decent money, and a lot of people almost left their previous job and become in-demand authors.
To complete the task, you need to write an article on a given topic. The technique of writing articles may differ depending on the goal pursued by the customer.
You also need to submit the text written in accordance with all the requirements of the customer on time. The order is considered completed if the customer has accepted the article, only after that the payment is transferred to the author. Copywriting/rewriting does not require financial investments, and with a right work platform, a responsible approach, it can even become the main source of income.
The essence of the work is to create custom texts that should be interesting and easy for common people to perceive. The profession of a copywriter/rewriter requires good knowledge of target languages, and literary languages as well. In addition, marketing skills will not be superfluous.
The list goes on, but the fact is that this knowledge can only come with experience. You will never know if you have a talent for writing quality and unique articles until you try.
Do you feel the strength and desire to write articles? This is a real opportunity and answer to the question of how to make money as a writer online. Join now!
- Contena.
- Problogger.
- Getcopywritingjobs.
17. Writing book reviews
If you like to read, then this method is definitely for you. This way of earning money is not very popular, because in modern times, not many people read books at all.
This way of earning is a description of your opinion after reading the book, expressed in writing. If you have read this or that book and you have positive or negative emotions about it, you can convert your review into a text document, and then sell it on article exchanges or by finding a permanent job on some site about books. The main feature of reviews is that it should be meaningful, and the opinion you express should be based on passages or key episodes from books. But, recently, the review has lost its original form and now is only a fairly voluminous description of your personal opinion about literary works.
Earning by reviews is quite a profitable business, since writing reviews does not take too much time. Also, it is noteworthy that now there are a fairly large number of sites on the Internet where you can get money for leaving reviews. Sometimes, orders from owners of online bookstores to write reviews appear on article exchange or freelance sites. Therefore, try to look for such a job. And also this is a way how to make money online with surveys, as you can get money only for answering questions about some book plot. You can find a lot of websites for it, but please be careful, many of them never pay.
- OnlineBookClub.
- Getreviewed.
- Kirkusreviews.
- Newpages.
18. Listening to music
Nowadays, a lot of people want to get the answer to the question of how to make money online in SA. But not all of them know how to write articles or be a blogger, for example, somebody just loves music. Do you know that you can get money if you listen to music? Isn’t it cool? Who and why pays money for that on the Internet?
Agree, at first glance, the offer of sites for listening to music and getting paid for it seems like some kind of deception or trick. Who will provide a huge number of songs for free listening, and even encourage the use of the resource? There must be some meaning or benefit to both parties.
Having a little insight into the essence of making money by listening to music, and fully understanding its nuances, it becomes clear that sites that give money for this have at least two ways of monetization. The first of them is the promotion of young and little-known performers who turn to them for help. Artists pay money to have their music played on the site, and thus they become more popular and recognizable artists. The sites, in turn, share a portion of their income with regular users who sign up for the purpose of getting money.
The second way is to place advertisements on the site. When visiting sites, you will see ads in different formats (links, banners, videos) and thus bring money to their owners. As in the first case, the sites will share a part of the income with you so that you continue to use their resources.
There are many services for this income that are easy to find, so if you love listening to music, you should try it.
- HitPredictor.
- SliceThePie.
- Radioearn.
19. Online market trading
Trading market can be a key of how to make money online from home question. But let’s take a closer look at what it exactly is. Trading is a dynamic system of constantly changing trends. On the one hand, the value of securities is determined by many external factors. For example, the stock of a large commodity company may react to political decisions, economic sanctions, natural disasters, even rumors of a change in management. On the other hand, market traders influence it to no lesser extent.
To make a profit, a trader needs to make a forecast, and this forecast must be correct. The whole variety of trading strategies (which we will discuss below) comes down to two trends.
It is important for beginner traders to know that they can earn in two ways. The first one is to trade manually. You need to register with a broker, install a trading terminal and open trades yourself. The second way is to trade with the help of robots. With automatic trading, the robot (special program) makes a decision for you based on the current market situation. Trading is a great opportunity to increase your capital. But it comes with significant risk.
You need good preparation, as well as knowledge of the rules of money management and a proven strategy that will be constantly improved. However, even in this case, you will not be able to completely eliminate all risks.
You can really minimize the risks if you know what trading is and according to what laws financial markets operate. This is not the easiest way how to make money in a day online, but online trading can surely bring you profit.
You can start trading with one of these brokers:
- Ifcmarkets.
- Exness.
- Avatrade.
20. Invest in stocks
Are you willing to know how to make a lot of money online? Investing in stocks can be a key to your success.
Have you ever thought that you can invest in stocks and make money? Investing has become very affordable. Now it is enough to download the application, conclude an agreement with a broker in two clicks and start buying assets. We figure out how much money you will use for beginning, what assets to invest in.
The investment of own (borrowed) funds in order to make a profit is called investing. You can invest in stocks. The income can be different, depending on the chosen strategy.
You can invest in different ways. Conventionally, they can be divided into two areas: through intermediaries who will manage your capital, and independently. Which option is better to choose depends on the initial attachment, your goals, and the time you are willing to spend with this work.
How much money do you need to start investing? Theoretically, there is no limit on the minimum amount. Starting investing even with a little money is possible, thus gaining experience and changing your way of thinking. The change of psychology from consumer to investment one will take some time. So how to make money in one day online with investing? The answer is that it’s almost impossible to do it so fast.
You need time and experience. The sooner you begin, the faster the shifts in habits and behavior will occur. It all depends on your goals. Investing at $5 a month, it is strange to expect millions in profits in a year. But by investing even small amounts, you can develop the habit of investing and learning in practice how certain exchange instruments work. So if you are a person who is searching for information how to make money day trading online this article will surely help you.
21. Be a mystery shopper
Many people are constantly looking for additional income, but they can’t or don’t want to invest any money in it. So is there any method on how to make money online without investing? There is such a vacancy as a mystery shopper. This is a person who must perform certain actions at the point of sale as an ordinary buyer or client.
For example, you need to inquire about deposits at a bank, replace a SIM card at a mobile phone store, take a test drive at a car dealership, find out the price of a TV in a store, etc. Phone calls or e-mails are also possible. All these are called “checks”. During inspections, as a rule, it is necessary to discreetly keep an audio recording.
The goal of this job is to check how the work with customers and buyers is carried out at the point of sale or the provision of services. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to both weaknesses and strengths. The “Mystery Shopper” study is an assessment of any customer service process using people who carry out checks on behalf of real clients and report in detail and objectively on the results of checks in evaluation forms.
Customers are banks, mobile operators, car dealers, retail stores, etc. They develop and implement various service standards in their organizations, train people and strive for a certain level of customer service quality. Mystery shopping allows you to evaluate “through the eyes of the client” how the standards are being followed, how well the employees are trained, and what is the quality of service.
Thus, weaknesses and strengths are identified in the implementation and training process, which allows you to improve these processes, as well as encourage the best employees. So you can try this type of distance job and explore how to make money with Amazon online.
- Bestmark.
- Secretshopper.
- Secretagent.
22. Translation work
Do you know a foreign language? If your answer is yes, you can try yourself as a translator and find out how to make money as a writer online.
The profession of translator has remained relevant for several decades. Now it is experiencing another boom, as companies from different countries interact closely, and Internet sites go international. And all of them need to understand each other, and for this it is enough to know foreign languages. A translator is an independent worker who translates from one language to another. These professionals often have multiple clients that they assist with individual or ongoing projects. Freelance translators can find work through the Internet, agencies, or by sending offers to unique clients.
Who can work as an interpreter? You can be a student of linguistic university, a teacher of a foreign language, or a person who just has good knowledge of foreign languages.
To translate well, you should have at least B2 level, C1 and C2 levels are even better for specific tech, medical or chemistry topics. There is an important point: a high-class interpreter is rarely a generalist, so a narrow specialization in one area is necessary.
You need to find a niche that is fascinating for you. There are different translators: oral, written, simultaneous interpreters, etc. But what if you want to watch YouTube videos and translate them? Is there any solution how to make money watching videos online from home and translate them? Sure, you can do it. There are many freelance platforms that are easy to find in Google, register there and start your new job.
- Translate.
- Speakt.
- Gengo.
23. Teach Foreign Language
You speak English well and strive to share your knowledge – try your hand at tutoring. Being a tutor, like being a teacher, is a responsible choice, but also an exciting experience. You will be able to professionally grow together with your students, improve and acquire useful skills. However, a serious approach is required at the start. Tutoring is not just a way of additional work, but an authority and qualification that is being formed over the years.
First you need to decide what age categories of students you are ready to work with: small children, schoolchildren, adults or schoolchildren and adults. It is better to focus on one group, since each of them requires a certain approach and preparation. If you prefer to work with school-age children, start with students in grades 3-6. The curriculum for these classes is simple.
If you want to teach adults, take students with relatively “easy” goals. Learn a language for travel, self-development, creative communication, etc. It will be more comfortable if the requirements of your first clients regarding the language level do not exceed B1 (Intermediate).
Where can a novice tutor look for students? The most reliable way is to register on tutor sites. The questionnaire on the site for finding tutors allows you not to engage in independent creation and promotion of the site or social networks. If you have a question about how to make money online internationally, with tutoring you can try to find international platforms for it. Usually you can earn more on such resources.
Do not be too lazy to fill out the questionnaire with high quality, indicating your advantages and providing all diplomas and certificates. Do self-promotion on social media, ask friends. It is easier for many to start working with the children of relatives.
We can’t call it the fastest way how to make money online without money, but this will surely bring you profit.
- Teachonline.
- 51Talk.
- Cambly.
24. Transcription work
The profession of a transcriber deserves both attention and respect. This is one of the easiest ways how to make instant money online. A specialist transcriber listens to the necessary audio or video recording (source) and formats this information into text, i.e. writes down or types everything he or she hears.
Transcription is easy to master, and you can make good money in this field, and besides, it is a simple process without situations that can cause stress, so it is well suited for moms on maternity leave.
Finding a job as a transcriber is not difficult – just enter the desired vacancy in the search box – “transcriber” and from the proposed list choose the option that suits you both in terms of payment and in terms of complexity and lead time. The services of transcribers are used by information businessmen, journalists, commercial structures, government agencies, radio stations, etc. Lecturers, developers of training courses, organizers of various seminars also use the services of transcribers.
A transcriber may not have a special education, serious skills, and therefore they are paid a little. But there are many people who want to use the services of a transcriber, so you will not be left without orders – accordingly, without earnings either.
Transcribers find orders on freelance exchanges, on social networks, on job sites, on thematic blogs, so if you are interested in how to make PayPal money online you can try to do it there. The salary of a transcriber depends on the quality of the recording, on its volume, on the complexity of the chosen topic, on the urgency of the work. The work of the transcriber can be evaluated for 1000 characters (printed) or for one minute of recording.
- Typewhizz.
- QA-world.
- Rev.
25. Create your own courses
How to make money online as a student if you don’t have special experience? Maybe your close people often ask for your advice in a certain area, or maybe you know how to use a program that 80% of your surroundings do not know? It’s time to start selling your knowledge by creating an online course.
It is better to start with an idea – what you want to talk about and what knowledge to share. You need to keep in mind that your topic should solve a problem or educate people in a new way. And most importantly, people should be willing to pay for your knowledge.
It is important to take into account the demand of the audience. Now the most popular courses are the basics of programming, but in the future, people may be interested in creating their own artificial intelligence.
You need to understand what you would like to include in your online course, and then structure all the knowledge in a logical order.
Before creating a course, it is important to do a little research – see how other online lecturers reveal your topic, what they lack and what new knowledge (even for yourself) you could include in your lectures. Knowledge that is not shared by others will help you create a unique course that will be of interest to students.
On Teachable you can find a step-by-step guide for creating your own course, later you can promote and sell your course on this site as well. Some other sites for selling knowledge:
- Skillshare.
- Ruzuku.
- Podia.
26. Make Money through Online Casino
Here is a way how to make money by playing games online. Either you are or you are not a gambler and ready to try your luck and take the risk of earning good money with the help of an online casino? Just imagine, you do not have to hang around in the office at work all day or sit at home for hours at the computer, no bosses, no managers everything is in your hands.
Online Casinos in South Africa are a great way to earn huge money if you are lucky.
If you want to get rich quickly, then the South African online casino is for you. All you need to break into the world of Online Casinos is to deposit money into your account and start your super game! The Online Casino has a lot of high quality games, you can choose any based on your taste.
Do you love roulette? Then go ahead, spin the drum and get your first win. Or maybe poker? You can earn good money, while you do not need to strain, on the contrary, you will get high and have fun instead.
You see how simple everything is, isn’t that what you dreamed about! Just play in a legal casino in South Africa and earn good money from it. Of course, if you are a smart person, then you can always make good money in a short time.
There are so many Online Casinos in South Africa and most of them have lots of bonuses and jackpots, so everyone can get it. But the most important thing is that you are lucky to hit your jackpot, luck is one of the most important aspects in this matter.
Click here and earn money at the casino for free and find out how to make money in an hour online.
Every gambling establishment on the Internet starts with a website. Casinos are no exception. The official portal welcomes the visitor with a colorful modern design. For players who are used to hunting for luck anywhere, without limiting themselves to a desktop computer, there is a mobile version of the official site.
If you want to earn good money and get incredible pleasure from it, then you need to try video slots. Earn your intelligence by playing poker or other games of your choice. You can try different games and select the most favorite for yourself, and then enjoy the amount that will fall on your card. Don’t waste your time and find the best way for you how to earn easy money online in South Africa.
Click here and get a bonus on your deposit upon registration.
So we have found different types of how to make money online in South Africa. Now you can choose what you like and start your new journey.
A few tips:
1. The closer you are to the real world of the earning scheme, the easier and more profitable it is, and usually with a shorter return on investment.
2. Focus. Think about what is closer to you and work in the same direction.
3. Continuously improve processes. Any option from the list above will live for years if you constantly improve the final product.
4. Look for thematic communities and learn. Your own experience is the most intelligible, but someone else’s is much cheaper.
5. Learn how to plan your projects in stages, end to end. So you will always have a “road map” on which to work, and you will be less likely to make mistakes in forecasts.
6. Don’t be afraid to start and turn off the “A student syndrome”. Better a weak project in a week (it will give experience) than a perfect one never.
7. Keep time-tracking on projects. So you can objectively evaluate the return on each of them.
8. Believe in yourself. There is not a single case when someone has been working with Internet projects for a year or two, constantly looking for and trying new things, and did not see the result. Good luck!